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Pinhole: Jesus and Maximón Dance Together

Anna Watts

Jesus’s float, tilts as it is carried down the many stone steps outside of the church and into the expecting crowd of tourists, visitors, and community members come to watch the procession. Photo: Anna Watts/Comvite
Jesus’s float, tilts as it is carried down the many stone steps outside of the church and into the expecting crowd of tourists, visitors, and community members come to watch the procession. Photo: Anna Watts/Comvite

Faces peer out of windows, doorways, rooftops and street corners. Feet line up almost every square foot of space available on the edges of Santiago Atitlán’s incense-infused cobbled streets. From great-grandparents to newborn babies, almost everyone has arrived to watch the culmination of a week of Semana Santa traditions and celebration: night-long processions that consume almost all of Good Friday.

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